Bold Moves Don't Always Work Out as Hoped. Make Them Anyway.

I applied for something where the deadline had already passed.

Let me back up a bit.

I recently learned about an open submission process for an exciting opportunity related to my book.

It was a book event I first heard about when I was in high school, back when I wished that someday I would be an author.

I’m not even sure back then that I dreamed big enough to be on that stage.

And now I had an opportunity for a full circle moment—to be a published author and applying to participate in this prestigious book event.

When I went to apply online, I saw the deadline had passed and submissions were closed.

I was crushed.

And then I made the decision to apply anyway.

I wrote a handwritten note sharing this story and mailed it out, along with a copy of my book.

I took a picture at the post office yesterday so I could remind myself of the moment, and the importance of making my Bold Move, even if it didn’t work out as hoped.

Though I didn’t end up being selected for the opportunity, because the deadline had passed, I did create a genuine connection as a result of my Bold Move. I received a gracious response from the executive in charge and encouragement to apply for the future.

Bold Moves don’t always work out exactly as planned or hoped. Keep pursuing what is important to you, because you want to learn and grow—and you believe in what’s possible for you.

Would you make a Bold Move to apply for something important to you if the deadline had already passed? I’d love to know!

P.S. I frequently get asked where I found these beautiful bubble mailers. They really are fantastic, aren’t they? I had them custom made through Sticker Mule for my book launch! The 10 x 13 bubble mailers fit my book and personalized swag perfectly. (You can use this referral code to get $10 off your first order.)

Shanna A. Hocking